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Sound Resonance cross

Облетев землю в корабле-спутнике, я увидел, как прекрасна наша планета; космос есть внутри нас, мы сделаны из звездного вещества.

Sound Resonance cross

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* no ethics no fucking morality either

сентябрь горит, да сгорим же вместе с ним в сумасбродных желаниях

* test crossover The Long Road к бесконечности этого мира каждый добавляет свою дорогу

Sound Resonance


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The tale of how the primordial universe of hydrogen, helium, and a bit of lithium evolved to a universe harboring at least one world with intelligent life like us is a tale of many chapters.

4 88 Гостевая #1
Сегодня 01:14:29 - Date Kaname


The motion of the sun and other stars around the galaxy, and of the galaxy in the local group of galaxies, is also chaotic.

2 7 Нужные персонажи
03.10.2024 14:00:47 - Hua Cheng

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In this way, the uncertainty principle allows particles to escape from what was thought to be the ultimate prison, a black hole.

1 1 Шаблон анкеты
23.09.2024 20:18:52 - Nebula

PN M2-9

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What comes out of a black hole, however, will be different from what fell in. Only the energy will be the same.

2 774 Карта мира #1
Сегодня 08:20:23 - Satellite

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One of the most important implications of supersymmetry is that force particles and matter particles, and hence force and matter, are really just two facets of the same thing.

4 17 Genshin Impact: Golden Memories
03.10.2024 07:55:34 - Satellite

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